Bauhaus in Total - God in Detail

architect Nenad Fabijanić
project Family House G, Zagreb, Hrvatska
written by Lenko Pleština


Eighty years later – an exceptional family house was built, a modern Zagreb villa, Villa G, located in the north of Zagreb, on Vrhovac Street, designed by the architect Nenad Fabijanić.


In 1926, one single and three semi-detached family houses were built in Dessau: new architecture, a new expressive form of new construction possibilities based on the idea of a new lifestyle. A small art colony, Meister Häuser, of teachers of a famous school, expressed their Futurist enthusiasm and announced a new family house architecture, which was also an invitation to discover the skills of manual labor in the potential offered by industry and machines. Some of the most important art personalities of the 20th century lived and worked in these houses.