The Architecture of the 17 century: from the Renaissance to the Baroque

written by Peter Krečič


From the end of January to the end of March 2001, an exhibition was held in the Museum of Architecture in Fužine Palace, entitled Architecture of the 17th century in Slovenia, subtitled The Period between the Late Renaissance and the High Baroque. The exhibition and the catalogue are the outcome of many years of efforts aimed at acquiring a view and understanding of this important chapter in the history of Slovene art, and hence of the country’s intellectual history, that are as comprehensive as possible; they deal with the development of 17th century architecture, as filtered through the connoisseur’s viewpoint and interpretation of Professor Nace [umi. After the more than thirty years that have passed since the publication of [umi’s book on the architecture of the 17th century, in these two productions he is providing the public with a renewed evaluation of the whole period.