Clothing Artefacts

author Tihana Mikša Perković
interviewed by Vera Grimmer, Maša Štrbac


Interviewed in Zagreb on 16 March 2016


Tihana Mikša Perković does not deal with fashion tendencies, but with clothing as a cultural phenomenon. Her work is primarily research based. The same way she dealt with the legacy of Bauhaus, especially the costume design of Osckar Schlemmer for Triadic Ballet, she now focuses on the traditional costumes of Croatian regions. She looks into the old techniques of material treatment and tailoring by applying her own handicrafts in order to translate the traditional into the language of our day and age.


ORIS — Clothes as a symbol and means of identification are our second skin. Do you think that the subject of clothing is superior to the subject of fashion?


Tihana Mikša Perković — From my perspective, it should be, especially in the world of today, where fashion keeps changing remarkably fast. I do not think that everything needs to be accepted, on the contrary – everything should be questioned.