Travels in Theory

architect  Àkos Moravànszky
interviewed by Alen Žunić     


Akos Moravanszky, one of the most important living theorists and historians of architecture, with a special talent for creating and understanding links between the West and the East, worked as a researcher and a professor at numerous prestigious international universities such as MIT and ETH Zurich where he is currently professor emeritus. At the beginning of his career, Moravanszky’s research focused mostly on Austro-Hungarian architecture and the middle European context. However, in the last 20 years he has been engaging, among other things, with interdisciplinary intertwining of contemporary phenomena in architecture with those from other fields like philosophy, fashion, art, literature etc. while always thinking multidimensionally, through the lens of a historical thesis, which is the basis for his most recent book, Metamorphism: Material Change in Architecture, published last year.