Lecture - Spartaco Paris on Faculty of Architecture


Lecture Empathy and Design - between languages and technologies by Italian architect and professor Spartaco Paris will be held on 6 February at 6 pm in lecture room 317 of the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb.

Materialization of architecture today is established on determined pictures, symbols and spaces and is becoming more distant to abstraction. It becomes increasingly difficult to define common needs in the time we live in, as well as determine what is generally beneficial in projects that are intended for the community. Individual needs often stand opposed to that of collective, what can be summed up in new dichotomy of design and empathy. Groundworks of the lecture lay on editorial activity of the author which has been editor-in-chief of Rassegna segment of Domus magazine from 2013-2017, and research activities which he is performs within the Department for architectural constructions of the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University in Rome.

Prof. Spartaco Paris, PhD (Rome, 1973), graduated from Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University in 1999. He worked as assistant and researcher on Oxford Brookes University before, ETSA in San Sebastian and ETH Zürich before and after his graduation. He is a member of the Roman Architecture Association, STID (Association for Architectural Technology), founder of savb.eu. His PhD thesis was about Technology in sustainable construction. He is Associate Professor on Faculty of Architecture on Sapienza University. His scientific work is focused on the relation between technology and design. He has been awarded with numerous honours and awards on architectural competitions. He cooperates with Domus DIID – Industrial Design and is a member of Domus Study Center from 2013.