Marathon of Czech
Architecture in Sarajevo


Marathon of Czech Architecture will be held in Sarajevo from 14th to 23rd November 2014.

The aim of the project is to present the post-revolution years and architectural profession in the Czech Republic. It is a kind of a two-way mirror: on the background of the Czech architectural production the young scene of Bosnia and Herzegovina can compare itself; On the other hand the Czech architecture can reflect and question how it stands within this comparison.

The Marathon will consist of several events: Exhibition Generace+, Symposium Marathon of Czech Architecture and Oko nad Prahou (Eye above Prague) – movie screening.

The research project Generace+ is based on the authentic narratives of the selected architects. Their narrations touch the political changes of the last decades both from their professional and personal points of views. They talk about architectural schooling, authorities in the professional field, quality of theoretical thinking and about the position of the architect in the neoliberal society of today. Even their presented work is accompanied by their personal comments.

Both Czech and Bosnian architects are invited as the guest of the event. From the Czech part it is Jaroslav Wertig from Prague studio A69 and Michal Palaščák from Brno. From Bosnia and Herzegovina it is Maja Roso Popovac, who has majored in architecture in Prague in the end of millennium and after her comeback to Mostar she took part in the Mostar bridge reconstruction, then it is Vedad Islambegović from the studio Filter. The symposium will be moderated by Armina Pilav, architect working in Sarajevo and Venice.

Project organizer: CCEA Centre for Central European Architecture
Local partner: Crvena Association for Culture and Art, Historical Museum of Sarajevo
Support: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Sarajevo
Media support: Architectuul, ERA 21, Oris