Exhibition: Heinz Tesar - Thinking through Drawing


The exhibition of works by Austrian architect Heinz Tesar under the title Thinking through Drawing will open on Thursday, 15 December at 7 pm in Oris House of Architecture.

The exhibition in Oris House of Architecture will present the work of Heinz Tesar through both artistic and architectural prism. While working on his projects, Tesar expresses himself not just with the sketches and drawings of different concepts, but he possess an impressive collection of watercolors and lithographs. These works, in addition to being a presentational means for his architecture, have their own artistic value. In the times of rapid technological developments, these creative techniques deserve special attention. The works of Heinz Tesar bring them closer to the public.  

In Tesar’s oeuvre a very special place belongs to the watercolors – intuitive nib or pencil drawings that fully come to life when colored. Pink or blue and grey color are splashed all over the drawings emphasizing their important elements. The drawing becomes fluid, often transforming into an illusion, an illusion that is the same time an announcement of a project. But it can also be a means of artistic exploration that might later on become the basis of a real project.

Vera Grimmer, from the exhibition catalogue

He was born in Innsbruck, Austria in 1939. He studied architecture at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Vienna. In 1973 he established his studio in Vienna, and another one in Berlin in 2000. He received the international Tessenow Preis for lifetime achievement in 2000. In 2011 he was honored with the Großer Österreichischer Staatspreis for lifetime achievement. Member of the Grazer Autorenversammlung and the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur, corresponding member of the Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, Munich. 2002–2006 building council of the city of Zurich, since 2006 expert committee for sacral building Erzdiözese Vienna. Besides his building practice he has taught at the Universities of Cornell and Harvard in the USA, and in Europe at the ETH in Zurich, the IUAV in Venice, and at the Academia di Mendriso in Switzerland.

The exhibition will be on view until 19 of January 2017