Extension of the Interior

written by Alan Kostrenčić


Does a spider spin a web as an extension of its body? 


The inner and the outer, molecular and molar, a pulsing conglomerate of mutually communicating organs and a human being, the interior and the exterior. Like a glove, architecture has its outer and inner side. It has its outer side, the one with which it participates in the formation of what we call the urban space, and its protective “womb”, the inner side which we call the interior. It is stretched between micro spheres, as Peter Sloterdijk calls them, an intimate space which copies a foetus-placenta pattern, the inner space; and macro spheres, a social space as a macro-uterus, defined by a nation or states. In his magnum opus, the Spheres trilogy, Peter Sloterdijk bases his observation of man and society on the tenet that a biological comfort of a mother’s womb, inherent to mammals, and so to humans as well, constitutes a utopia which humans try to reach again through technology, ideology and religion, or a matrix after which all other spheres – spaces – are formed. Architecture thus becomes a tension which emerges in the interaction of those spheres.