Timeless Commitment

architects José Antonio Coderch de Sentmenat, Manuel Valls Vergés
project Tápies House, Barcelona, Spain
written by Alicia Guerrero Yeste, Fredy Massad


It isn’t geniuses what we need right now by José Antonio Coderch is probably one of the most lucid statements on architecture written during the 20th century. It was published in the November 1961 issue of Domus, the magazine trusted by this almost-Spartan spirit: severe and disciplined about his own work, and a declared enemy of any form of shallowness and vanity, who foresaw the risks of indiscriminate media exposure. The strong call to honesty, responsibility and pragmatism it presents has, indeed, a timeless value, even more emphasized by the current circumstances of the architectural context: disorientation, banality…