Exhibition by Igor Eškinja - Poems of Accumulation and Growth


On Sunday, March the 15th the first U.S. solo exhibition by Igor Eškinja was opened. 

Poetry, before being the name of a particular art, is the generic name of art. Techné poiétiké: productive technique. This technique, that is, this art, this calculated operation, this procedure, this artifice produces something not with a view to another thing or a use, but with a view to its very production, that is, its exposition. The pro-duction of the thing puts the thing forward, presents and exposes it.  Jean-Luc Nancy, The Technique of the Present

The exhibition's title, "Poems of Accumulation and Growth", refers to the bond between the poetic dimension (in the works themselves) and the economical context of exchange, abstraction and power.

Eškinja "performs" the objects and situations, catching the moment of their transition from two-dimensional to formal three-dimensional appearance. As the artist states, the work derives from the need for one form to contain various meanings and levels of reading within itself. For Eškinja, a void remains an active space of perception, inviting the viewer to participate in the construction of an imaginary volume within an open space.

In Eškinja's hands, materials such as dust, sand or ash form carpet-like structures that paradoxically become visible by accumulation. For these installations of detritus, the artist employs intricate patterns that evoke 15th century Flemish interiors from Brugge.

Igor Eškinja was born in 1975 in Rijeka. He studied painting at the na Accademia di Belle Arti in venice, where he graduated in 2002. so far he had 28 solo and 91 collective exhibitions. He has recieved numerous national and internatioanl awards and has several monographs written about his work.

The exhibition is open from March 15th until May 5th